

miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

How employers use employment references?

A good CV and an interview with mistakes made are usually enough to get that job, but sometimes what makes the difference is to check employment references. 
Employers eliminate about 21% of candidates after the contact persons listed as references for employment. 
Employers want to find references to information about candidates and conduct the tasks from the old job, their strengths and weaknesses, they want to confirm data from the resume and how long they were employed and not in the least want to know the achievements 
candidate's professional. 
When employers are in the final stage of the recruitment process and must decide which candidates will fill vacancies, the decision maker may be checking reference contacts. 
To distinguish themselves from the competition, candidates should have a solid contact reference list that will communicate their skills and competencies in a compelling way. 
Here are some tips that need to be mindful when you up the list of contacts References: 
- Choose carefully. 
Select people who can discuss your skills and experience, but working in the field in which you want to hire. It is preferable to have a more diverse list of contacts so they can talk about various aspects of your professional past. 
- Check the list of contacts. 
Always calling people in the reference list of contacts for their permission and to learn how receptive are the conversarii employers. 
- Provide clear contact information of references, including their name, title, phone number and email address. 
It also gives a brief explanation of the professional relationship between you and the contact. Consider sending a greater number of references than that required by the employer if the employer fails to connect to some references. 
- Because you never know what the employer will seek additional references, it's best to break the conditions of the old friendly employers and colleagues.