

miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Employment Tips

Find out what to do to be called for interview!
Here are some things that need to be mindful when you are looking for a job:

Do not apply for a job because you are not qualified.

Many candidates think that job hunting consists of a numbers game: the deployment of as many resumes to companies that hire and application of all new jobs also appear on recruitment. 
The reality is that employers do not want to waste their time reading resumes of candidates who do not meet the qualifications outlined in the job announcement.
There are unusual cases in which recruiters receive resumes from qualified candidates and Security Guard and who wish to obtain a credit officer post, for example.

Do not add a statement to expose your dreams, desires and aspirations concerning the salary or health insurance - employers do not care how could you know you solve problems, at least not before you commit. Instead, write about your goals and how your skills and experience that could be helpful in the company. Be clear about the job you want it!

Do not use a single general resume for all jobs you apply.

To make your resume stand out besides the multitude of resumes submitted by other candidates, it must address each particular job you want to get it.Talk about specific individual issues each company, the challenges of the industry and about how you could contribute to the company - that was enough proof that you have studied the field, but not too much so to create the impression that you are a 

Always attach a letter to your resume.

A cover letter should always accompany a resume - no matter which position you are applying. 
A letter of intent is not just listing the name and the position you are applying. It should contain information that you stand out from other candidates, details about your motivation, a brief overview of your expertise in the field.

Attention to detail!

CVs should be written very carefully so there's no spelling mistakes or expression. 
Employers paid no chance CVs are written in haste, errors or looks disorganized.