

marți, 14 decembrie 2010

60% of employees believe that physical presence in the office is no longer necessary to be productive

Three out of five employees believe that there is no need to be present in the office to be productive and say they would choose a job that is paid less, but has flexibility in accessing information outside the office, rather than a better paid, but lacking flexibility, said respondents to the study of 'The Cisco Connected World Report', produced by the company Cisco .

The share of employees who believe they need not be present in the office to get the best results grow in Asia and Latin America, in India 93% of employees share that view. The same result is prevalent in China (81%) and Brazil (76%).

45% of employees that can access networks, applications and corporate information outside the office said they are working two to three extra hours a day and a quarter said they worked four or more hours. It is very important flexibility to work from anywhere, what motivates employees' loyalty to the company (13%), job choice (12%) and morale (9%).

Almost half of respondents in IT (45%) said they were not prepared in terms of policy and technology to support a more mobile workforce without borders, believing that security (57%), budget (34%) and staff expertise (17%) were the main barriers to allow a more distributed workforce. Employees feel that the obstacles consist of IT and the corporate policies.

Security fears appear to be exaggerated, given that 58% of employees admit that they have allowed people outside the company to use corporate devices without supervision. On the other hand, according Agerpres, 25% of IT respondents said that a quarter of the devices to employees in the last 12 months have been lost or stolen.

The study was commissioned by Cisco and conducted by InsightExpress, a market research firm based in the United States, which analyzed responses from a sample of 2600 people in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Britain, France, Spain , Germany, Italy, Russia, India, China, Japan and Australia.

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miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Employment Tips

Find out what to do to be called for interview!
Here are some things that need to be mindful when you are looking for a job:

Do not apply for a job because you are not qualified.

Many candidates think that job hunting consists of a numbers game: the deployment of as many resumes to companies that hire and application of all new jobs also appear on recruitment. 
The reality is that employers do not want to waste their time reading resumes of candidates who do not meet the qualifications outlined in the job announcement.
There are unusual cases in which recruiters receive resumes from qualified candidates and Security Guard and who wish to obtain a credit officer post, for example.

Do not add a statement to expose your dreams, desires and aspirations concerning the salary or health insurance - employers do not care how could you know you solve problems, at least not before you commit. Instead, write about your goals and how your skills and experience that could be helpful in the company. Be clear about the job you want it!

Do not use a single general resume for all jobs you apply.

To make your resume stand out besides the multitude of resumes submitted by other candidates, it must address each particular job you want to get it.Talk about specific individual issues each company, the challenges of the industry and about how you could contribute to the company - that was enough proof that you have studied the field, but not too much so to create the impression that you are a 

Always attach a letter to your resume.

A cover letter should always accompany a resume - no matter which position you are applying. 
A letter of intent is not just listing the name and the position you are applying. It should contain information that you stand out from other candidates, details about your motivation, a brief overview of your expertise in the field.

Attention to detail!

CVs should be written very carefully so there's no spelling mistakes or expression. 
Employers paid no chance CVs are written in haste, errors or looks disorganized.

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How employers use employment references?

A good CV and an interview with mistakes made are usually enough to get that job, but sometimes what makes the difference is to check employment references. 
Employers eliminate about 21% of candidates after the contact persons listed as references for employment. 
Employers want to find references to information about candidates and conduct the tasks from the old job, their strengths and weaknesses, they want to confirm data from the resume and how long they were employed and not in the least want to know the achievements 
candidate's professional. 
When employers are in the final stage of the recruitment process and must decide which candidates will fill vacancies, the decision maker may be checking reference contacts. 
To distinguish themselves from the competition, candidates should have a solid contact reference list that will communicate their skills and competencies in a compelling way. 
Here are some tips that need to be mindful when you up the list of contacts References: 
- Choose carefully. 
Select people who can discuss your skills and experience, but working in the field in which you want to hire. It is preferable to have a more diverse list of contacts so they can talk about various aspects of your professional past. 
- Check the list of contacts. 
Always calling people in the reference list of contacts for their permission and to learn how receptive are the conversarii employers. 
- Provide clear contact information of references, including their name, title, phone number and email address. 
It also gives a brief explanation of the professional relationship between you and the contact. Consider sending a greater number of references than that required by the employer if the employer fails to connect to some references. 
- Because you never know what the employer will seek additional references, it's best to break the conditions of the old friendly employers and colleagues.

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How you behave when you are a newcomer in the company?

Listen and learn, instead of talking in one. Eat your energy observing and asking intelligent questions instead of trying to convince others how much you know and how important.
Be kind, equally with everyone.
Do not rush to make judgments about who you think is smart, important, nice. 
Along the way, you can change his mind about the many colleagues in the office, so it's not wise to make statements about someone before you know better and see the acting.
 Invite your colleagues at the table and try to know them informally.
Do not ask personal questions about others in the office. 
If you try to find gossip, you will soon choose a reputation that you do not want, you will be considered a person can not be trusted.
Wear tight administrative staff.

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luni, 11 octombrie 2010

How diet influences our work in the office: The most common mistakes

People who sit in the office between 8 and 10 hours a day tend to make mistakes that affect both health nutrition, and intellectual performance or ability to concentrate. Nutritionists see Wall Street doing a rundown of the most common mistakes in eating habits and give advice to straighten them. 
How food affects performance at work? 

Diet affects both health, and intellectual performance, hence the recommendation "you are what you eat," said Dr. Gabriela Man. 
She designed a calorie flour mixture and then exposed tips in the book "lose weight eating. 

"Intellectual performance and reduced ability to concentrate when eating modern, refined, high sugar, starch and fat, such as, for example, fast-food dishes, snacks, candy, sweets of commerce or cold drinks, 
Gabriel completes Man. 

The explanation would be that foods cause massive discharges of glucose in their blood after consumption (the moment you feel good), which causes high insulin secretion. Then, shortly after eating, hypoglycemias deeper than it normally induced insulin secretion than cause drowsiness, apathy, irritability, craving the "crunch" again something especially sweet cravings. 

Also, Dr. Anca Daniela Lungeanu, diabetes specialist, nutritional and metabolic diseases at the Medical Center Focus, says fast food, lunch in front of the computer, snacking between meals and insufficient fluid intake precisely describe the behavior of a food 
considerable number of employees in large corporations. 

In addition, Gabriela Man says that people who spend so much time at the office need infusion of magnesium, B group vitamins (whole grains, meat, fish, various vegetables - peppers, beans) and intake of fatty acids essential omega-3, they are responsible for the health of every cell of our body of intellectual performance and resistance to disease. 

Another common mistake is very high consumption of caffeine found in coffee, cola drinks or tea. 
Dr. Gabriela Man says abuse of caffeine aggravates insulin resistance, affection and ill fat - metabolic syndrome is also called "insulin resistance syndrome" and includes a number of diseases which are based on the disease, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease , steatotic liver, polycystic ovary syndrome. 
Daily meals 

In this context, a natural question is "what the daily diet should consist of a person who spends every day between 8 and 10 hours at the office?" 

Dr. Gabriela Man says, first of all, you should opt for a healthy diet based on cereals, vegetables and fruits with low glycemic index (special bread carbohydrate "eating lose weight, mushrooms, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers 
, lettuce, cabbage, beans, lentils, chickpeas, apricots, peaches, cherries, figs, prunes), high-quality protein (fish at least twice a week, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs) and fats Series beneficial omega3 essential fatty acids (fish, nuts, hemp seeds, flax seeds, olive oil etravirgine, rape). 

"As a person subject to a very high stress, often you should eat foods rich in magnesium, because stress depletes magnesium reserves in the body.These include alimete as cocoa, wheat germ, soybeans, almonds, peanuts, nuts, special bread "lose weight eating, spinach and plums, Gabriela Man completes. 

Another important aspect is in terms of nutrition and daily meals, so it should be composed of 3 meals and 1-2 snacks between meals. 

"If you go to my office the first time in the morning and can not eat breakfast at a morning hour, to eat 1-2 fruits on an empty stomach, because it absorbs more vitamin C (citrus, kiwi, apples, apricots, prunes). 
Ideally, then integral flakes and a bowl of cereal with dried fruit / fresh walnuts, almonds, alone, "says Man. 

Among its tips also include a package in the office or call a caterer and order healthy dishes such as grilled combination / boiled meat with a salad. 

"So when I get home tonight, will not be hungry because meals are served throughout the day, snacks, and can take a dinner in silence, without overstating the amount of food consumed," says Gabriela Man, adding that the daily diet should 
necessarily contain 2-3 fruits and 3-4 vegetables, and adequate hydration with at least 2 liters of water daily. 

In terms of quick snacks, running out of time, but that is healthy and necessary to bring energy, nutritionist recommended carbohydrate bread sandwich with slices of "lose weight eating, cheese, eggs, slices of meat (chicken, beef), nuts 
, almonds, hazelnuts, 3-4 squares of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content, fresh fruit or a salad. 

In addition to these suggestions for food industry, Gabriela Man, avoid sedentary lifestyle, not necessarily transform athletes, but small changes can bring big benefits: 30 minutes easy paced walking exercise daily, walking, climbing stairs, walking, no elevator 
The most frequent mistakes in the office I nourishment 

Dr. Anca Daniela Lungeanu, nutrition specialist at the Medical Center Focus synthesized frecvete 10 mistakes most make yourself eating out especially for people who spend a large part of the day at the office, and have a busy schedule. 

Eating foods with zero nutritional value 

A balanced diet, with meals and snacks rich in nutrients, is essential to good health. 
At present, especially those who spend more than eight hours at the office, allocate more attention to poor quality of food consumed, increasingly opting more for semi-prepared foods with low nutritional value. 

Tip: Place semi-processed in the background and give more attention to home made food. 

Losing the most important meal of the day - breakfast 

"Although they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, most people do not have enough time for a healthy meal, opting instead for a sweet snack that soothes your appetite at the moment. 
Sugar does not make hunger go away but "tricks" for one or two hours. Remember that sweets were not food intake, but intake of ... kg ", said Dr. Anca Daniela Lungeanu. 

Tip: Breakfast is a meal over which you must pass, no matter how busy you are. 
Choose to eat salads, sandwiches with brown bread, jam, fruit juice and fresh fruit. 

Eating fast food 

Fast food products are high in sodium and a lot of calories from saturated fat. 
Such foods are low in nutrients, so that, over time, lead to deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. You should not completely eliminate fast food from food, but treated it as a treat from time to time, and usually not as a food. 

Tip: If you are a fan of fast food, try to establish a day of the month in which to enjoy a hamburger and French fries. 

Meals before bedtime 

Working overtime is already commonplace in most companies. 
But overtime completely disrupts your three main meals per day, so lunch is often served at around 20:00. Meals eaten at night before bedtime, are contraindicated in this part of the day because his stomach and thus reduce the food is digested more slowly. Also, the calories turn into fat more quickly, the body due to inactivity. 

Tip: If you eat in the evening to wait at least 30 minutes before Ava put to bed. 
The mistakes in the food industry frecvete office II 

Lack of physical activity 

Exercise is vital for a healthy body because they increase metabolic activity and transform food into energy. 
There is no need to do exercises to fitness is enough to practice your favorite sport: jogging, soccer, dance, tennis, cycling or even walking in the park. 

Tip: You are extremely busy and do not have time to exercise? 
Park your car further away from the office or get off the subway with a station earlier and walk to work. 

Tracking external stimuli when eating 

"Studies suggest that the food people have different behaviors depending on the area of origin. 
For example, Americans just stop eating when they empty plate - so we can say it is based on external stimuli to determine the time of installation satiety. Instead, Europeans rely more on internal stimuli - the feeling of fullness, even if the plate is not empty yet, to stop eating. The conclusion is simple: Stop eating when the feeling of fullness, even if you have not finished everything on your plate, "said nutritionist from the Medical Center Focus. 

Tip: If you are a person who eats everything on your plate is a simple solution: order a smaller portion. 

Food with calming 

You had an argument with the boss or a deadline to meet? 
So certainly, in substance nervous, you feel the uncontrollable desire to eat. Food is often used with calming, removal of sadness, of impatience or boredom. What can you do in this situation: try to identify the exact moments when you are really hungry, or opt for more healthy snacks. 

Tip: If you have a stressful time to prepare your home office slices of carrot, cucumber and all kinds of fresh fruit, put it on your desk and eat when you feel that stress is reached. 

Large small snacks each day 

Most people resort to snacking between meals to help him get through a stressful day at work. 
But choose carefully snack: fruit or vegetables (eg carrot slices) at the expense biscuiteilor candy or crackers. 

Tip: It often happens that during the day, although it will be sweet cravings, you will refrain, and in the evening to stop in the first store or cafeteria.Therefore it is better to satisfy cravings during the day, you are more likely to deposit fat in the body is not. 

Eating in front of computer 

Working at the computer while eating can distract attention from what we eat, so you tend to eat more than you need! 
So at lunch time to pick up your desk, relax and let you eat without distracted by an email or a deadline. 

Tip: Lunch break is a chance to socialize and to be diffuse and colleagues, so raise your office colleagues and join in a delicious healthy meal and a discussion. 

Lack of water in food 

"Water is very important both for proper brain and other organs of the body.The water reduces hunger and helps detoxify the body. 
It is recommended to drink two liters of water per day, besides the water extracted from fruits, vegetables and other foods eaten that day. Remember that some beverages such as soda or coffee dehydrates, so it is better to avoid them. " 

Tip: You must have a permanent water bottle on your desk. 
How to go empty the water dispenser and fill it.

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miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010

Half Of Employees Suffering From Depression Are Not Diagnosed

Depression in the workplace is a phenomenon that grows in times of recession that adversely affect productivity.

Three in ten workers suffer each year because of problems related to their emotional and social health - anxiety, panic, difficulty sleeping, loss of libido, low energy and depression, smoking, excessive aggression in interaction with others.

Also, 50% of employees suffering from depression are not diagnosed, says a report published on the website of the Labour Inspectorate of Bucharest.

Unfortunately, too few companies or institutions from Romania call from diagnostic services and treatment of emotional problems of employees, physicians and psychologists warn.

Methods to prevent stress at work

"The most effective method for preventing stress at work is the employee assistance programs and services for human resources managers and specialists," says psychologist at the Mind Institute Bogdana Badger.

The vast majority of psychological support services staff are now focused on solving personal problems and difficulties at work that affect work performance.Psychological support services employees may be multiple:

1. screening services for depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse consul, stress and comprehensive assessment services (medical and psychological);

2. counseling and psychotherapy for the employee and his family;

3. crisis counseling;

4. training services for employees: performance management, time management, stress management, career management, emotional control, anger management, decision making and problem solving;

Services to the managers and HR professionals are represented in particular critical incident management and advice in developing programs to assist employees in the company.

When the company uses psychological support services are allocated a consultant from the service provider who is program manager in the company, which aims to facilitate the implementation of the program together with someone in human resources department


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